Imagine a world

Responding to the environmental crisis - to climate change, to plastic pollution, to the loss of wildlife - is framed as a challenge.

It’s so much more. It’s an opportunity. A chance to do things differently, to do things better. It’s a time to reconnect - to family, to community, to the creative pastimes we yearn for.

Image by Maxime Bhm via Unsplash

Image by Maxime Bhm via Unsplash

Imagine a world...

Where we wake to a dawn chorus of ever-more diverse birdsong, in our cities as well as the country.

Where a four day working week is commonplace; yet we’re more financially stable than ever.

Where a country-wide cycle network means biking for work, for school and for leisure is safe, inexpensive and the norm.

Where everyone has access to outdoor space and local, organic food, regardless of income.

Where the obesity epidemic is over.

Where children play on tree-lined streets designed for people not cars; free from traffic and pollution.

Where communities gather: to grow food, to play, to share skills, to borrow instead of buying; to talk, to learn, to develop, to care.

Where loneliness isn’t the norm.

Where poor mental health no longer affects a quarter of the population at any one time; where instead we live lifestyles that naturally protect and nurture our health.

Where we have time. Time for family and friends, for hobbies and pastimes. For creativity, for quiet, for doing what gives us pleasure.

Where our children are no longer among the unhappiest in the world - where childhood is once again a time of adventure and happiness, rather than anxiety, eating disorders and pressure.

Where homes are designed for comfortable living, not profit. Where they are warm in winter and cool in summer, regardless of how ‘rich’ or ‘poor’ we are.

Where decisions prioritise well-being rather than profit and ‘growth’.

Where we celebrate the story of the criminal turned guard: where humans are the caretakers for oceans and wildlife, instead of the destroyers.


Why marketing feels sleazy


Enough is enough